Unlock Your Power like a Phoenix: Embrace the Transformation and Manifest Your Dream Based on 12 Life-Changing Stories
You are as human being are considered as infinite being. You have the greatest power to get every possibility on this planet earth. You are magnificent and you have intelligence. Perfection is just an illusion. You are the creator of your own life. No matter what you are, whatever you are now, you still have the potential to attract all possibilities. Believe in Yourself and Universe, the greatest source. Put right intension and Surrender to Universe, there the magic starts in life. You do not need to think how it will happen, when it will happen. All these logical questions come from human attachment and lack of trust in the universe.
If you want a better relationship. Instead of spending much money on any social media, start working on your inner self which I mentioned in chapters already. When you are fulfilled inside your soul, all better relationships manifest as they are into your life. That is magic.
If you are feeling lost. Remember, it is a gift for you from the Universe to unfold your best version of yourself. Start journalling about your feelings in day-to-day life. Point out what are the things that do not resonate with you. You must let go all those things, then be open to receive the new opportunities because Those have already manifested into reality with your authenticity.
If You are willing to increase your wealth part, you must let go of your old belief pattern what you experienced yet for your wealth point. For example, if you are always distinguishing between cheap, expensive, and spending on unnecessary things then those patterns do not allow you to be aligned with your wealth part. In this case You must find A Mentor /Coach to help you on your belief pattern about this matter. As I already mentioned Universe is abundance and You are an abundance creator but if you are not cocreating with universe then how you will achieve what you desire? Like Universe will give you a diamond but you will not use it in proper way instead you keep it wardrobe, what is the use of giving a diamond? So, here Universe decides who can make the real benefit of that diamond and Universe delivers the diamond to them.
Everything in this universe is possible and Every prayer is heard by Universe. My next book will bring more related to the Universe and how the laws work in our life to manifest a better dreamful life where peace, abundanceĀ only exist. So, never Give Up. Start learning and implementing it into personal life.